Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F., Linner, M., Skrzypek, E. & Schorn, S. (2024). Formation of low-pressure reaction textures during near-isothermal exhumation of hot orogenic crust (Bohemian Massif, Austria). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 42, 3–34. doi:
Supplementary material to: "Formation of low-pressure reaction textures during near-isothermal exhumation of hot orogenic crust (Bohemian Massif, Austria)" [Data set]. In Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 42, 3–34. Zenodo. doi:
Sonntag Hoerlle, G., Remus, M. V. D., Müller, T., Piazolo, S., de Carvalho Lana, C. & Sorger, D. (2023). Metasomatic reactions triggered by localized and dynamically evolving fluid flux record multistage intrusion history: An example from the syntectonic Cac ̧apava do Sul Granitic Complex, Southern Brazil. Lithos, 442–443, 107103. doi:
Zuo, J., Webb, A. A. G.,Chin, E. J., Ackerman, L., Harvey, J., Haproff, P., Müller, T.,Wang, Q., Hickman, A. H., Sorger, D. & Ramírez-Salazar, A (2022). Earth’s Earliest Phaneritic Ultramafic Rocks: Mantle Slices or Crustal Cumulates? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC010519. doi:
Ramírez-Salazar, A., Zuo, J., Müller, T., Webb, A. A. G., Sorger, D., Piazolo, S., Haproff, P. ... Wong, T. K. (2022). Reply to Comment by A.P. Nutman et al. on “Tectonics of the Isua Supracrustal Belt 1: P-T-X-d Constraints of a Poly-Metamorphic Terrane” by A. Ramírez-Salazar et al. and “Tectonics of the Isua Supracrustal Belt 2: Microstructures Reveal Distributed Strain in the Absence of Major Fault Structures” by J. Zuo et al.. Tectonics 41(5). doi:
Waitzinger, M., Sorger, D., Paar, W.H. & Finger, F. (2021). Geochronological constraints on uranium mineralization within the Hüttenberg siderite deposit (Eastern Alps, Austria). Geochemistry, 81(1), 125678. doi:
Schorn, S., Diener, J.F.A., Sorger, D. & Clark, C. (2020). The contribution of charnockite magmatism to achieve near-ultrahigh temperatures in the Namaqua–Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa. Lithos, 368–369: 105585. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105585
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F. & Linner, M. (2020). Two generations of Variscan garnet: Implications from a petrochronological study of a high grade Avalonia- derived paragneiss from the Drosendorf unit, Bohemian Massif. Gondwana Reserach, 85: 234–148. doi: 10.1016/
Skrzypek, E., Sakata, S. & Sorger, D. (2020). Alteration of magmatic monazite in grani- toids from the Ryoke belt (SW Japan): processes and consequences. American Mineralogist, 105: 538–554. doi: 10.2138/am-2020-7025
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M., Iglseder, C. & Finger, F. (2018). Carboniferous Polymetamorphism Recorded in Paragneiss-Migmatites from the Bavarian Unit (Moldanubian Superunit, Upper Austria): Implications for the Tectonothermal Evolution at the End of the Variscan Orogeny. Journal of Petrology, 59: 1359–1382. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egy063
Abstracts and non peer-reviewed contributions
Sorger, D., Müller, T. & Webb, A. A. G. (2024). Primordial monazite growth in Archean “metapelites” of the Isua supracrustal belt, southern West Greenland. EGU 2024, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation
Wolf, J., Sorger, D., Ramírez-Salazar, A., Hauzenberger, C.A., Webb, A. A. G., Willbold, M. &Müller, T. (2024). Unravelling the metamorphic history of the Isua supracrustal belt: A garnet-based study in West Greenland. EGU 2024, Vienna, Austria
Müller, T., Wolf, J., Sorger, D., Piazolo, S., Hauzenberger, C.A., Zuo, J. & Webb, A. A. G. (2024). Amphibolite facies conditions recorded in CO2-bearing fluid-mediated reaction fronts preserved in an ultramafic lens from the Isua supracrustal belt, southern West Greenland. EGU 2024, Vienna, Austria
Silva Lara, H., Sorger, D., Oyhantcabal, P., Wemmer, K., Basei, M., Siegesmund, S., & Müller, T. (2024). First constraints and geodynamic implicactions of cryogenian metamor- phism in the foreland orogenic basement of the southern Dom Feliciano Belt (Uruguay). TSK20, 2024, Freiburg, Germany
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F., Linner, M., Skrzypek, E. & Schorn, S. (2023). Formation of reaction textures in aluminous paragneisses during near-isothermal exhuma- tion. MinWien 2023, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F., Linner, M., Skrzypek, E. & Schorn, S. (2023). A hot exhumation makes ”cool” textures: Implications for the exhumation history of oro- genic crust based on mineral reaction textures and monazite geochronology. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France, Oral presentation
Waitzinger, M., Schubert, G., Finger, F., Skrzypek, E., Sorger, D. & Hauzenberger, C.A. (2023). EDX Analyses of U-rich microminerals both for geochronology and hydrogeology – examples from recent studies in Austria. 5th Bohemian Massif Symposium, Smolenice, Slovakia
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F., Linner, M., Skrzypek, E., Schorn, S. & Sizova, E. (2022). Deciphering the exhumation path of granulite facies rocks based on mineral reaction textures and monazite geochronology. GeoMinK ̈oln 2022, K ̈oln, Germany, Oral presentation
Müller, T., Sorger, D. & Webb, A. A. G. (2022). Taking the pressure out of the Archean Metamorphism: The role of CO2 in assessing metamorphic conditions of the Isua supracrustal belt, W-Greenland. GeoMinK ̈oln 2022, K ̈oln, Germany
Dey, J., Sorger, D., Ramírez-Salazar, A., Piazolo, S. & Müller, T.(2022). Deriving local chemistry for heterogeneous rock samples using a combination of μXRF, EMPA and XMapTools. MSG RiP 2022, St. Andrews, UK
[21] Ramírez-Salazar, A., Piazolo, S., Müller, T., Sorger, D., Zuo, J., Dey, J., Webb, A. A. G. & Haproff, P. (2022). Using garnet to the fullest: The tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Eoarchean Isua supracrustal belt. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria
Ramírez-Salazar, A., Müller, T., Piazolo, S., Sorger, D., Zuo, J., Webb, A. A. G., Dey, J. & Haproff, P. (2021). Quantitative Microstructural and Chemical Analyses of Garnets from the Eoarchean Isua Supracrustal Belt, Southwest Greenland: Implications for Rate Limiting Growth Processes and Metamorphic Interpretations. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA
Ramírez-Salazar, A., Piazolo, S., Müller, T., Sorger, D., Zuo, J., Dey, J., Webb, A. A. G., Haproff, P. & Harvey, J. (2021). Effect of rock composition and mineral assemblages on the diversity of internal microstructures in garnet porphyroblasts: A case of the Isua supracrustal belt. EMC 2021, Cracow, Poland
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F., Linner, M., Fritz, H., Sizova, E., Skrzypek, E., Iglseder, C. & Schorn, S. (2021). From a garnet inclusion to the Variscan evolution: Implications for the polymetamorphic history of the Bohemian Massif. MinPet 2021, Wien, Austria, Oral presentation, Felix-Machatschki award lecture
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F. & Linner, M.(2020). Symplectite formation in paragneiss restites from the Gf ̈ohl unit, Bohemian Massif. Goldschmidt 2020, Virtual conference
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M., Finger, F. & Fritz, H. (2020). Tectonic implications of the metamorphic field gradient in the Austrian Drosendorf and Gföhl units, Moldanubian Zone. EGU General Assembly 2020, Virtual conference
Sorger, D. (2019). Bericht 2018 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 21 Horn. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 159, 368–370
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F. & Linner, M. (2019). Monazite ages in high-grade metapelites from the Austrian part of the Bohemian Massif: Insight into a complex polyphase metamorphic evolution. MinPet 2019, Graz, Austria, Oral presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F. & Linner, M. (2019). Two stage metamorphic evolution of a Variscan paragneiss constrained by EPMA monazite dating and Zr-in-rutile thermometry. Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Spain, Oral presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F. & Linner, M. (2019). Mineral and melt inclusions in garnet give an insight into the complex P–T–t evolution of an anatectic paragneiss from the Moldanubian Superunit. Petrochro 2019, Potsdam, Germany, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F. & Linner, M. (2019). Two garnet generations and a load of inclusions: unraveling the complex P–T–t history of a metapelitic gneiss from the south-eastern Moldanubian Superunit, Bohemian Massif. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation
Sorger, D. (2018). Bericht 2017 über geologische Aufnahmen auf Blatt 21 Horn. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 158, 114–116
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M., Iglseder, C. & Finger, F. (2018). P–T– t evolution of paragneiss migmatites from the Bavarian Unit (Moldanubian Superunit): thermodynamic modelling of polyphase garnet combined with EPMA monazite dating.Granulites and Granulites 2018, Ullapool, United Kingdom, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A. & Linner, M. (2018). Polyphase garnet growth in granulite facies paragneiss and amphibolite in the southeastern Moldanubian Superunit: evidence for a pre-granulite facies evolution. Granulites and Granulites 2018, Ullapool, United Kingdom, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M., Fritz, H., Schantl, P. & Sizova, E. (2018). Two garnet generations give evidence of a polymetamorphic Evolution of granulite facies rocks from the Drosendorf nappe – Moldanubian. 3rd Bohemian Massif Meeting, 2018, Presseck, Germany, Oral presentation
Schantl, P., Hauzenberger, C.A., Finger, F., Linner, M., Fritz, H., Hoang, N., Sorger, D. & Sizova, E. (2018). Petrogenesis and prograde metamorphic history of granulites from the southeastern Moldanubian Superunit (Bohemian Massif). 3rd Bohemian Massif Meeting, 2018, Presseck, Germany
Fritz, H., Eichinger, S., Mandl, M., Hauzenberger, C.A., Schantl, P., Sorger, D. & Sizova, E. (2018). Pre-Alpine evolution of the Eastern Alps, a linkage to the Bohemian Massif. 3rd Bohemian Massif Meeting, 2018, Presseck, Germany
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M., Iglseder, C. & Finger, F. (2018). Variscan polymetamorphism recorded in garnet bearing paragneiss migmatites from the Bavarian Unit, Upper Austria. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A. & Linner, M. (2018). Evidence for a polymetamorphic evolution of migmatic paragneisses from the southeastern Moldanubian Superunit, Lower Austria. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M., Iglseder, C. & Finger, F. (2017). Multistage P–T evolution recorded in garnet-bearing migmatites from the Bavarian Unit, Bohemian Massif, Upper Austria. MinPet 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, Oral presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M. & Iglseder, C. (2016). Multistage evolution of migmatic paragneisses in the Bavarian Unit, Bohemian Massif. EMU School on Mineral Reaction Kinetics, 2016, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M. & Iglseder, C. (2016). Metamorphic history of LP/HT migmatites from the Bavarian Unit(Bohemian Massif). EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M. & Iglseder, C. (2015). Polyphase garnet growth in Variscan migmatites from the Bavarian Unit, Upper Austria. MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M. & Iglseder, C. (2014). Petrology of Variscan low-pressure granulites and migmatites from the Moldanubian Superunit, Upper Austria. PANGEO 2014, Graz, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Daghighi, D., Simic, K., Pichler, R., Schwaiger, C., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M. & Iglseder, C. (2014). Low pressure granulites from the Bohemian Massif, Upper Austria. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation
Sorger, D., Daghighi, D., Simic, K., Hauzenberger, C.A., Linner, M. & Fritz, H. (2013). Petrology of low pressure granulites from the Lichtenberg and Sauwald zone, Bohemian Massif, Upper Austria. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation